21 Days of Yoga Accountability

As one of the three pillars to Somercecil Experiences we believe in the value of connection and accountability to achieve goals and align intentions. We offer our guests 21 Days of Yoga Accountability after a retreat to support them going back into normal life pressures and stressors; to attempt to enable positive habits and routine. We all have 20-30 minutes a day to dedicate to our self care; your sense of well-being is your foundation to enable you to give energy and be more effective in other parts of your life. There is a tough love approach to it but this may be of great value to aid your motivation style.

Scientific studies on behavioural psychology note that when you feel you are being observed we all perform better. This is known as the Hawthorn Effect.

“None of us, acting alone, can achieve the success.” — Nelson Mandela

Bella, Co-Founder, “My motivation and effectiveness is exacerbated with accountability, I need a bit of touch love in my life.”

A tool for self accountability is to buy a physical calendar, put it on your wall and set daily goals and tick them off each day – it creates momentum and a mindset of not wanting to ‘break the chain’ – enabling you to find the time to stay on top of things.  


Caffeine, Stress, Burnout, & Weight Loss