What is a Cacao Ceremony?

Cacao is a plant medicine that originated from Central and South America. It has been used by different societies due to its life-enhancing properties. Aztec and Mayan traditions used Cacao as medicine for the heart – opening and connecting us to all things. The Cacao medicine is believed to work with an intelligence we cannot perceive with the mind. Cacao ceremonies respond to an increasing longing in our society for connection and community.

Raw cacao is a powerful and potent medicine that can assist the ‘inner work’ and creative guidance we all need to stay balanced. It literally opens the blood vessels in the body allowing more blood flow through the heart, it is known to trigger feelings of love.

In our cacao ceremony, we set the space together with intention, meditate by tuning into our heart centre before lying down and being guided through a deeper meditation.

To get the most out of our Cacao Ceremony we recommend ingesting as little or ideally no toxins for as long as possible and none on the day of arrival. The Cacao medicine will work more effectively if your physical and energetic body is in a purer state. For our retreats this means no caffeine.

Come and experience this with us! X


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